Building activities in project Urban Mediaspace Aarhus commenced in June 2011 and will continue up to and including 2016.
The extent of the work is immense. The contractor must e.g. construct a so-called excavation frame, which is the basement and foundation of Dokk1. The excavation frame will be approximately 100 x 100 metres, corresponding to two football fields, and eight metres deep.
2,000 stakes, varying in length from 18 to 28 metres, will be hammered into the ground. This comes to 40-50 kilometres of stakes, which are to carry the foundation of Mediaspace.
Read about the development of construction
Dokk1 and the car park will be finished at the beginning of 2015 according to plan, the waterfront spaces will be ready for use during 2015, while the resurfacing projects around the light rail will be finished at the end of 2016.