The work with steel sheet pile driving and pole driving for the excavation, which is the basement and foundation of Mediaspace, now commences.
The work with steel sheet pile driving and pole driving for the so-called excavation frame, which is the basement and foundation of Mediaspace now commences.
Steel sheet piles are long sheets of iron which are driven into the ground in order to support the excavation frame.
While we are working on this, you will be able to see, hear and feel it. Unfortunately it is impossible not to cause inconveniences in the form of noise and vibrations especially for the neighbours of the construction site.
The driving of piles takes place in the weekdays between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. and is expected to finish in August 2012.
Work is carried out by the contracting company Per Aarsleff A/S. The company employs means that reduce the extent of inconveniences as best possible.
An example of this is that they carry out the principal part of working with pile driving by using vibrations to place them into the ground. This method causes fewer inconveniences and is less noisy than driving them into the ground.
Due to the soil conditions and with regard to the carrying capacity, it is not possible to use vibrations to place the steel sheet pile all the way into the ground. Part of the work with piling will therefore take place using a pile driver and this will generate the characteristic hollow thuds in the ground.
In selected buildings in the area, we have placed vibration meters. These will allow us to monitor whether the work stays within the threshold limit values of vibration levels in connection with construction.