A construction project of this size will entail noise, dust and in certain periods rerouting of traffic. You will be able to see, hear and feel that we are working.
Unfortunately, we cannot avoid that the construction will inconvenience the building site’s neighbours and the road users who use the roads in the area.
The first construction phase runs from summer 2011 to summer 2012.
Inconveniences for road users will be limited. It is, however, during this period that we carry out most of the work with steel sheet pile driving and pole driving.
The work is carried out by the contractor Per Aarsleff A/S. The company will use the means best suited to reduce the level of noise and vibrations:
Due to the condition of the soil and on account of bearing capacity we are not able to vibrate poles and piles all the way down or drill holes in the entire length of the poles. We thus have to conduct part of the work using a pile driver, which will result in the characteristic thudding.
Furthermore, the pile driving can result in vibrations in the subsoil.
Pile driving will take place on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.
This period will present less noise nuisance. On the other hand there will be more inconvenience for road users in the area.
In connection with the construction of Mediaspace many lorries will carry concrete elements to the building site – which can slow traffic.
During the summer of 2012 we also start the reorganisation of streets in the area.
In periods where traffic is rerouted we will ensure clear signage in the area.
You can continually follow the news on where there are roadblocks and road work in the area on the website www.trafikken.dk/østjylland (link in Danish only).