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The Competent Citizen

Website: www.denkompetenteborger.dk

Project Resumé

In the project ”The Competent Citizen” Citizens’ Services and Libraries and Network for Adult Education Aarhus work with innovating the co-operation opportunities between general education and public libraries. The project partners will, along with other central players, create a model for how decentralized co-operation constellations can meet the individual citizens need for competency development in the future.

The Project is, in part, to map out which co-operation experiences that are already present in Aarhus and uncover barriers and development opportunities, in part to gather ideas for future co-operation through idea development workships, and in part to test new co-operation constellations.

The ambition with this project is that it should contribute to bridge-building and creating synergy between general education, volunteer players, adult education institutions and public libraries locally, regionally and nationally.

Time framce: 01.09.2009 – 30.06.2010


The steering committee:

Ingeborg Bach, Lærdansk Aarhus

Carsten Lykke, FOF Aarhus

Torben Dreier FO Aarhus

Michael Sandberg, VUC Aarhus

Steffen Hartje, Fritid og Samfund

Knud Schulz, Citizens’ Services and Libraries

Project Owner: Troels Vestergaard, Citizens’ Services and Libraries

Project Manager: Louise Overgaard, Citizens’ Services and Libraries, mlog@aarhus.dk

The Project is supported by the Danish Agency for Library and Media 


Project Manager Louise Overgaard, mlog@aarhus.dk